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Hydro Consultancy

Bluenergy offers many hydropower services in house to increase oversight and reduce costs to our clients. Our services can be used togther for maximum benefit or individually


We have the in house capacity to offer all aspects of hydropower consultancy from feasibility, design and permitting to procurement, along with project and site management

As Bluenergy also builds and maintains hydro schemes, this experience shapes our approach to consultancy, ensuring that our advice & designs work in the real world

Skeletal tree against clear blue sky in Yorkshire Dales
Aerial view of archimedes screw turbine and weir
Crayfish fighting back

Feasibility & Design

Bluenergy takes a staged approach to developing sites so our clients are protected from pursuing unviable projects.

As we build out our own designs, Bluenergy has the experience and skills to fully design all aspects of a hydro scheme from weir to wire 

Surveys & Modeling

Topographic - Drone Mapping & 3D Terrain - Geomorphology Mapping & Modeling - Tree Surveys - Electro Fishing & Habitat Surveys -Hydrology & Site Specific Monitoring - Production & Financial Forecasting - Business Modeling

Permitting & Licensing

Impoundments & Abstractions (EA, SEPA, NRW) - Flow Returns - Working in Channels - Full Planning Applications & Supporting Reports - Drainage Board Consents - Scheduled Monument Consents

200 kVA 3 phase pole mounted transformer
Access track and pipeline route at Raasay community hydro
Archimedes screw turbine been installed

Grid Connections, Metering, Energy Contracts, PPAs, Ofgem

Full grid connections service from design, DNO applications, project management, appointing MOPs & energy suppliers, negotiating PPAs & onging Ofgem FITs admin.

Bluenergy also helps shape policies to reduce grid connection barriers for renewables and is working with others to remove constraints

Project Management & Financial Appraisal

Bluenergy can manage all aspects of a full development or work item including permitting, compliance, scheduling, procurement, oversight, reporting.

Beyond engineering, Bluenergy also provides support for financing projects, grants, fundraising, leases & wayleaves.

We will always provide a frank analysis of a projects viability and clealy layout the risks to our clients

Critical Review & Enhancement

Do you know if your scheme is performing as it should ? As we also build & maintenance schemes, Bluenergy is well placed to identify & resolve issues. We can also review a schemes performance and determine if a design is optimal.

We can also help to add "bolt on" projects to existing hydro schemes such as private wires & collocated solar arrays, so increasing a sites return or provide a new route to market for hydro schemes in the post FIT's world

© 2025 Built & Managed by Bluenergy

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