Bluengineering provides a wide range of water related & terrestrial services to non-hydro clients such as developers, land managers, farmers & river trusts

Bluengineering provides feasibility, design, permitting, project management & procurement services.
We design SuDS schemes, wastewater treatment strategies, natural flood management schemes and private wire links
Surveys & Modeling
Topographic - Drone Mapping & 3D Terrain - Geotechnical Analysis - Borehole Installation & Monitoring - Contaminated Land Surveys - Site Specific Monitoring
Flood Risk Assessments & SuDS
Alongside commercial flood assessments, Bluengineering can design, permit, and install Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).
SuDS are designed to manage stormwater locally (as close to its source as possible), to mimic natural drainage and encourage infiltration, attenuation and passive treatment of runoff

Wastewater Discharge Concents
Bluengineering specialises in designing and permitting non-standard wastewater discharges such as infiltration mounds. This technique is used were a traditional soakaway is not suitable. We can also undertake advanced modeling which is required by regulators
Grid Connections, Private Wires & Microgrids
Bluengineering takes care of all aspects of specifying, organizing and managing your new or upgraded grid connection.
Bluengineering can help unlock LV microgrids and HV links which are required for long distance transmission
Bluengineering also provides support for non-hydro community based projects such as flood management schemes. These projects are typically delivered in partnership with organizations such as the Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust